DS 216: Machine Learning for Data Science (MLDS)

Instructor: Prof. Vaanathi Sundaresan - vaanathi@iisc.ac.in 

Class Timing: Tue/Thu 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm at CDS 102
Teams Joining Code: f42d2fv

If you are planning to take this course, kindly fill out this form: https://forms.gle/bpYYMMkiYFFdr9dE8


This four credits course aims to cover machine learning techniques and statistical methods required for planning, developing and evaluating methods, especially applicable for various data analysis tasks. The course would also require students to implement programming assignments/projects related to these topics.

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge in linear algebra, probability and a good proficiency in programming (python) or a consent from the instructor. 

Course TAs

Ramanujam NarayananM.Tech Research, CDS - ramanujamn@iisc.ac.in

Himanshu Pandey, Ph.D., CDS - phimanshu@iisc.ac.in

Nikhil Bisen, M.Tech, ESE - nikhilbisen@iisc.ac.in

Shubham Bhawsar, M.Tech, CSA - shubhambhaws@iisc.ac.in

Examination and Grading Policy

There will be two quizzes and two assignments with 10% weightage each.            

A Mid-Term and End-Term examination with 25% and 35% weightage, respectively.

Plagiarism, cheating on exams, and any other acts of academic dishonesty are serious offenses that not only compromise your educational development but also undermine the trust and respect essential to the scholarly community. Such actions are contrary to the values of our institution and will result in stringent consequences, which may include failing grades or further disciplinary measures.


*To be updated*


- C.M.Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 2006, 

- I. Goodfellow, Y. Bengio and A. Courville: Deep Learning, 2016.

- Jerome H. Friedman, Robert Tibshirani and Trevor Hastie, The Elements of Statistical Learning, Springer, 2001.

- R.O.Kuehl, Design of experiments: statistical principles of research design and analysis, 2000.

- Research papers, material/notes provided by the instructor.

DS 216 | Machine Learning for Data Science (MLDS) | JAN-APR 2024